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TETRA PAY (TPAY) TOKEN – Tetra Pay International Inc to Launch Multi-Utility Token with Ironclad Ecosystem

TETRA PAY (TPAY) TOKEN – Tetra Pay International Inc to Launch Multi-Utility Token with Ironclad Ecosystem

June 22
00:00 2021

We’ve all wondered aloud or privately how we’re going to get blockchain technology past the small crypto bubble and into the mainstream, regardless of which currency community we belong to. To put it another way, how do we get this technology out of our heads and into the hands of regular people like your grandmother, the teacher, or your tech-savvy coworker who thinks Bitcoin is a failed project?

Yes, no other cryptocurrency is currently influencing the world now. The New Money initiative could be the solution. The project, which was founded by Highphill Mathews, an actor and producer, aims to create an ecosystem of platforms around the digital currency in order to provide a viable alternative for mainstream and enthusiastic cryptocurrency users. Tetra pay (TPAY)is the new smart money and new money for the real-world economy.

The mainstream population spends $3 trillion each year. Furthermore, Millennials are the only generation actively looking for a substitute for the old banking system’s high inefficiencies. That is why the initiative was established, according to the founder. To make the most of these facts.

“In the crypto-world, we appeal to the third and most essential leg of what the wider crypto community has yearned for since the inception of Bitcoin. A popular coin that appeals to today’s mainstream customer right now. Ethereum completed the Turing complete leg, which Bitcoin failed to do. And this initiative will be the crowning achievement of Spotify of blockchain technology.” says Highphill Mathews, CEO

Disrupting the Mainstream Utilities

If history is any guide, technology must cater to and give an exceptionally valuable answer to a specific demographic straight away in order to be widely adopted. To put it another way, usefulness. That’s why Facebook began with colleges, Amazon with books, and Uber, most recently, with cabs.

Each platform has grown from its humble beginnings to capture their whole industry, as well as markets that customers never imagined, were feasible to access. And we’re seeing it with Uber right now. Tetra Pay (TPAY) will take a path less traversed by currency communities and will begin at a specific starting point. If done correctly, this beginning point has a lot of potential for mainstream customers. This is because Tetra Pay intends to enter the mainstream industry such as Finance, Forex Trading

E-commerce, Hospitality, Aviation, Real Estate, Recharge, Shopping Transportation, Online Casinos, OTT Platforms, Board Games and Betting.  Tetra Pay (TPAY) will not limit itself to these industries but will also foray into other industries.

Kickstarting Tetra Pay (TPAY)

Tetra Pay’s purpose is to weed out abnormalities and streamline the process of new age currency. Tetra Pay (TPAY) will be partnering with fortune 500 companies, MNCs, nascent and growing start-ups, academies, technology vendors of the smart chain ecosystem. Tetra Pay (TPAY) offers transactions that are safe, secure, quick, and cost-effective with no chargebacks.

Tetra Pay (TPAY) Ecosystem

Tetra Pay uses Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and its BEP-20 protocol for its native token. TPAY’s ecosystem includes cryptocurrency custodial services, Digital Finance, Foundation for Digital Innovation and Wildlife Protection, loyalty program, TPAY bank, TPAY remittance and digital financial platform with ironclad security measures including fingerprints, Voice Recognition and Facial ID.

Upcoming Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

Tetra Pay aims to leave its footprint global for a promising future. Tetra Pay has partnered with LA Token, ProBit, BuyUCoin, Azbit, VinDax, Dex-Trade, Coinsbit and Bankcex for initial exchange offering. According to Coinmarketcap.com ProBit exchange stands at number 24 in the world and number 5 in South Korea. We are determined to take our presence in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Currently, we are running Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) at Bankcex, VinDax, ProBit and LA Token.  Spot trading to start on Saturday, 17 July 2021 on all these exchanges. Our partner exchanges offer security, high liquidity & stability. Below we are sharing the schedule for the Initial Exchange Offering of Tetra Pay (TPAY).

IEO Starts on Bankcex

  1. Round 1

Starting from 14th June 2021 to 16th June 2021

Token Sale – 50,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.10

  1. Round 2

Starting from 19th June 2021 to 21st July 2021

Token Sale – 50,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.20

IEO Starts on VinDax

  1. Round 1

Starting from 22 June 2021 to 24 June 2021

Token Sale – 50,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.30

  1. Round 2

Starting from 26th June 2021 to 28th July 2021

Token Sale – 50,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.40

IEO Starts on LA TOKEN

  1. Round 1

Starting from 17 June 2021 to 30 June 2021

Token Sale – 25,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.25

  1. Round 2

Starting from 1 July 2021 to 15 July 2021

Token Sale – 25,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.30

IEO Starts on ProBit

  1. Round 1

Starting from 20th June 2021 to 27th June 2021

Token Sale – 40,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.25

  1. Round 2

Starting from 28th June 2021 to 4th July 2021

Token Sale – 40,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.30

  1. Round 3

Starting from 5th July 2021 to 10th July 2021

Token Sale – 40,000,000 TPAY

Price – $0.35

“I believe that an IEO campaign is the best way to launch us into the mainstream and it will help us to reach out to the masses,” says Highphill Mathews, CEO

For more details visit https://tpaytoken.io/ and to get more updates on announcements, partnerships etc follow our social media handles


Official Website: https://www.tpaytoken.io

Smart Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0x1c9257e55318eb9b472ed45ef5c55ccd941538f0

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Bitcoin Forum: https://forum.bitcoin.com/tetrapay-u184088/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/tpaytoken

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5343202


Contact Detail:

Company Name: TETRA PAY
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website Url: https://www.tpaytoken.io/

Source : https://kjnewswire.com/8247/tetra-pay-tpay-token-tetra-pay-international-inc-launch-multi-utility-token-ironclad-ecosystem

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