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Avengers Mentoring Youth Development & Athletic Center Gears Up for Grand Opening in Houston, TX

Avengers Mentoring Youth Development & Athletic Center Gears Up for Grand Opening in Houston, TX

March 16
00:00 2021

The 501(c)3 non-profit organization has now expanded to Houston, TX where they will be bringing their youth development programs in partnership with the City of Houston.

Avengers Mentoring Youth Development & Athletic Center will be opening the doors to its Houston chapter on April 10th, 2021, which also marks the 11th year anniversary for the organization. The occasion will be celebrated through a Grand Opening and a Ribbon Cutting ceremony at the new location.

Avengers Mentoring Organization is a 501(c)3 non-profit which began in Detroit, MI in 2010. The organization has since provided youth development programs to the local community including entrepreneurship training, financial literacy, mentoring, youth development, sports, athletics, community service, and youth jobs. Through their new location, Avengers Mentoring will be seeking to provide the same platform for the community of Houston.

Scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 10th, the event will carry out between 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM, whereas the Ribbon Cutting ceremony will take place between 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. It has also been reported that Councilmember Robert Gallegos will be a part of the ceremonies. The event includes basketball, live DJ, gaming, giveaways, BTDT boxing, and food all free of cost. Registration is currently open for limited seats.

For more information about Avengers Mentoring Youth Development & Athletic Center as well as their Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies at the Houston, TX location, visit the non-profit’s official website now at the following link: www.avengersteam.org.

Fax: 832-831-5145

Contact Detail:

Company Name: Avengers Mentoring Youth Development and Athletic Center
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone No: 832-831-5162
Address: 8301 Braniff St., Suite 102
Country: United States
Website Url: www.avengersteam.org

Source : https://kjnewswire.com/7687/avengers-mentoring-youth-development-athletic-center-gears-grand-opening-houston-tx

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