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Pope Says Trump Not a Christian; Bible says Pope Not a Christian, but Catholics May Be OK

Pope Says Trump Not a Christian; Bible says Pope Not a Christian, but Catholics May Be OK

October 03
00:00 2016

  • “God sees the end from the beginning.” Isaiah 46:10
  • Summary:“The Bible implies that anyone following truth to the best of their ability is following Christ because He said, ‘I am the Truth.’ The problem comes with religions that don’t teach Bible truth or they change it to suit culture and their own practices,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling, Bible prophecy author, adding that in the end, Christ who loves everyone is judge, but He said that many who are religious are self-deceived.

    Ruhling offers five clues to identify the papacy in each of three Bible prophecy chapters. In the only book Christ recommended when asked about the end of the world, the four major kingdoms of the world are identified as fierce beasts of prey—typical of human government, like our interventions in Iraq, Libya and now Syria, a country whose citizens like their leader, but the US can’t mind its business.

    1.     The little horn that grew out of the 4th dragon-like beast in Daniel 7:7,8 represented the papacy that grew out of the Roman Empire.

    2.     The papacy uprooted three of 10 horns that represented the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli which it conquered. The 10 tribes roamed Europe as the Roman Empire fell.

    3.     The little horn had “a mouth speaking great things…against the Most High” verses 8,25. One of the pope’s official titles is “Lord God the Pope.” (Google)

    4.     The little horn made “war with the saints and prevailed,” Dan 7:21. Historians says 50-80 million Christians were martyred during the Dark Ages when one of the most exalted forms of worship was the ‘Auto de Fe’—Act of Faith which was the burning of non-Catholic heretics at the stake.

    5.     “He shall…think to change times and laws.” Rome boasts of the authority from church councils to change the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday that most Protestants honor, and it also deleted the 2nd Commandment forbidding images and divided commandment 10 into two to maintain 10—commandments that were written in stone by the finger of God, Exod 31:18. God says He does not change. Mal 3:6.

    Daniel 7 imagery had a lion, bear, leopard and dragon representing Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome. The 13th chapter of Revelation written for our time; shows the papal follow-up of those beasts:

    1.     That beast has a mouth like a lion, feet like a bear, looks like a leopard and has 7 heads and 10 horns—the total from Daniel 7 as the papacy assimilated and survived those kingdoms.

    2.     It comes out of the sea. Waters represent “peoples and multitude and nations,” Rev 17:15. The papacy arose from the densely populated Old World.

    3.     The beast had a deadly wound by a sword, verses 3,14. The Bible is like a sword, Heb 4, and the Protestant Reformation with the Bible was a deadly wound and Napoleon capturing the pope.

    4.     “The deadly wound healed,” verse 4. Protestants have ceased protesting as they seek unity.

    5.     “All the world wondered after the beast…and worshipped the beast,” verses 3,4. While most people would deny they worship this beast, worship is ‘worth-ship’ and much worth is given it.

    The 17th of Revelation offers final insight to the papacy. Its verses correspond to these numbers:

    1.     “The great whore that sits on many waters.” Waters represent peoples and nations; verse 15.

    2.    “With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication.” An unfaithful church involved in politics and governments to pursue her cause by trying to force people like with Sunday laws (Dies Domini and Laudato Si’) to honor her false teachings.

    3.     The woman is riding the image beast or look-alike from Revelation 13:14. New World Order via UN will look like the Old World Order because it will have the pope riding or guiding the NWO.

    4.     “The woman was arrayed in…scarlet (color worn by cardinals) and decked with gold (wealthy)

    5.     “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots.” Rome is the mother church. (Wikipedia.com)

    6.     “Drunken with the blood of saints.” Many millions of martyrs as seen above.

    7.    “The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.” Rome is known as a city of seven hills.

    Revelation’s 18th chapter issues a call to come out of Babylon which includes all false systems like medical care’s use of pharmakeia, the Greek word in verse 23. Babylon’s confused systems include perverted education that strips children of moral home teaching. Government with unfair laws and religions not based on Scripture are all included in the call to come out of Babylon to avoid the plagues that will fall on most of the world that give worth-ship to the final beast, NWO.

    Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. His book, The Alpha & Omega Bible Code has mostly five star reviews on Amazon and no-charge this Wednesday or accessed from his website, http://RichardRuhling.com

    He offers more information at http://News4Living.wordpress.com and may be contacted for interviews at Ruhling7@juno.com

    Contact Detail:

    Company Name: Total Health
    Contact Person: Dr. Richard Ruhling
    Email: Ruhling7@juno.com
    Phone No: 9285837543
    State: Arizona
    Country: United States

    Website Url: http://RichardRuhling.com

    Source: www.PRExhibition.com

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